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Lilly’s Table


Meal Detail



Spicy Tempeh Tacos

from the Week of January 23, 2011

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  • Easy


25 mins

25 mins

We apologize if this seems like double recipes, but one is for a veggie packed taco filling and the other is a more simplified version that involves the tortilla and other taco toppings.

As the tempeh cooks, prepare the taco toppings. This comes together quickly, but you can also make it ahead and warm the tempeh and tortillas just prior to eating.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Taco Spiced Tempeh
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Taco Spiced Tempeh

Tempeh gets browned and spiced into a divine dish with lime and veggies. It’s perfect for stuffing into tortillas or as on topping for rice or grain bowls. Anytime, taco meat is called for this is a delicious vegan option to use.

Photo of Tempeh Tacos
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Tempeh Tacos

These tempeh tacos are vegan-licious. Beyond the tempeh filling, add your favorite toppings. We include greens, avocado, and carrots as simple options. If you are a dairy lover a dollop of sour cream or even a sprinkle of cojita cheese would be a fun addition. The Taco-Spiced Tempeh can be used in place of the tempeh and spices in this particular, because we doctor it up with more vegetables.