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Azuki Soup with Squash

from the Week of February 20, 2011

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1 hour

1 hour

Start the soup first. While the onions & fennel are sizzling away, cut the squash and start roasting it. After the squash is mashed and oranged up, the soup will be a mess of goodness. The squash can be enjoyed alongside or stirred into the soup. French bread works well with this for dipping and wiping up any bits left in the bowl. A favorite cheese is not a bad idea either- goat cheese, brie or an aged gouda all taste divine with this combination of dishes.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Azuki & Fennel Soup
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Azuki & Fennel Soup

This soup is simple to toss together and then simmers on your stove or crockpot for about an hour until the flavors meld. Use canned azuki beans or start from dry beans, which will require soaking overnight and pre-cooking before adding to the soup. This soup is also a lovely side dish for adding more vegetables and protein if desired.

Photo of Orange Kissed Squash
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Orange Kissed Squash

Mashed up squash receives just a touch of orange zest & juice for a kiss of flavor. Most any winter squash will do: buttercup, acorn, hubbard pumpkin, butternut…
If you have more than a couple pounds of squash, just add more orange zest & juice to your personal taste. Makes amazing leftovers, too.

Photo of French bread
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French bread

Okay. This is not exactly a recipe, but rather sometimes the best pairing for your meal is a crusty loaf of French bread. My family lineage is French, what can I say crusty bread seems more appropriate then not. So, here it is.

Let’s call it a reminder. In addition, here are a few tips on how to store it, keep it fresh, or use it up. Whenever possible try to find those crusty gorgeous whole-grain varieties.