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Rosemary Azuki, Squash & Quinoa

from the Week of February 20, 2011

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30 mins

30 mins

This is a great lunch of leftovers… but if you are starting from scratch, roast the squash first. Cook the quinoa. Toss & saute the azuki beans. Package altogether and take to go for lunch. This will be tasty at room temperature or warmed up for a few minutes.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Orange Kissed Squash
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Orange Kissed Squash

Mashed up squash receives just a touch of orange zest & juice for a kiss of flavor. Most any winter squash will do: buttercup, acorn, hubbard pumpkin, butternut…
If you have more than a couple pounds of squash, just add more orange zest & juice to your personal taste. Makes amazing leftovers, too.

Photo of Quinoa
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One of the highest protein grains out there. Here is a simple preparation for boiling this happy gluten-free grain. Cook it until your preferred texture. I like it when the tail has started to uncurl and there is not much of a crunch left. In some cases (such as at higher altitudes) you may need to add more water.

Photo of Rosemary Azuki Beans
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Rosemary Azuki Beans

Azuki beans cook up fairly ‘fast’ compared with other dried beans, but that still means about an hour. Simmering with a huge stalk of rosemary gives them a more romantic flavor. If you want to skip straight to the can, just toss the beans with the garlic-herb oil at the end instead of simmering.