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Spring Salad with White Beans Artichokes & Quinoa

from the Week of April 10, 2011

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25 mins

25 mins

Use the most beautiful spring produce you can find & this guide will lead you through a delicious salad that will last you all week. Start by cooking the quinoa. Prepare all of the vegetables for the salad. Whip up the Balsamic Vinaigrette. Double the White Bean & Artichokes for an easy lunch on the go. Add a sprinkle of nuts or cheese for extra protein.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Quinoa
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One of the highest protein grains out there. Here is a simple preparation for boiling this happy gluten-free grain. Cook it until your preferred texture. I like it when the tail has started to uncurl and there is not much of a crunch left. In some cases (such as at higher altitudes) you may need to add more water.

Photo of Evolving Spring Salad
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Evolving Spring Salad

Some of us are blessed with early Spring weather that lends baby green vegetables, while other’s may still be scraping snow off their sidewalks and slowly making first attempts to plant seeds. So this salad will evolve throughout the season, throughout the world. Toss together nature’s treats and use this recipe as a guideline for preparing & storing them.

Photo of Balsamic Vinaigrette
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Balsamic Vinaigrette

Keep this lovely balsamic dressing on hand for several weeks instead of buying store vinaigrette’s loaded with dyes and chemicals. Balsamic vinegars can vary in sweetness. Choose the best one you can afford and then plan to adjust the sweetness as needed.

Photo of White Bean & Artichoke Saute
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White Bean & Artichoke Saute

A bit of sage, white beans & artichokes are tied together with garlic & olive oil. Freshly cooked white beans or artichokes work beautifully, but also keep it simple, with canned white beans and frozen artichokes. The fresh garlic & sage will liven everything up.