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Matzah Ball Soup & Salad

from the Week of April 17, 2011

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1 hour

1 hour

Make the broth, in advance works too. Put together the matzah balls, allow to rest. Make the dressing and prepare the vegetables. Simmer the vegetables. In the final 15 minutes of cooking the matzah balls, simmer the chicken broth with thin slices of carrots. Serve a bowl of carrots & broth with 3-4 matzah balls. Serve the dressing alongside the spring salad.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Homemade Bone Broth
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Homemade Bone Broth

All you need to create this health-packed broth is the bones or carcass leftover after roasting. The vegetables are included as optional additions, but are hardly required. A splash of vinegar will assist in bringing the nutrients out of the bones.

Photo of Matzah Balls
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Matzah Balls

These are the rules I have recently learned about Matzah (or matzo) ball soup, although every family has their own list of requirements: The broth must be clear. To ensure this, boil the matzah balls in salted water and then add to the hot broth just before serving. The only minor additions are cooked carrots and possibly a sprig or so of fresh dill. My desire to add lots of vegetables were quickly deterred. If your family has some other specifications, please let me know so I can incorporate them into this recipe.

Photo of Balsamic Vinaigrette
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Balsamic Vinaigrette

Keep this lovely balsamic dressing on hand for several weeks instead of buying store vinaigrette’s loaded with dyes and chemicals. Balsamic vinegars can vary in sweetness. Choose the best one you can afford and then plan to adjust the sweetness as needed.

Photo of Spring Root Salad
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Spring Root Salad

This is a tossed salad of greens & thinly sliced spring root vegetables. Left undressed and sealed well in the fridge this salad will last several days providing you with quick veggies whenever you need. Use a favorite dressing to top it or do it Italian style- drizzled with a beautiful extra virgin olive oil and an aged thick balsamic vinegar.