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Lilly’s Table


Meal Detail



Sweet Potato & Bean Shepherd's Pie with Orange Chili Salad

from the Week of November 27, 2011

  • Hard
  • Medium
  • Easy


45 mins

45 mins

Roast the sweet potatoes to start. Work on the bean filling as they cook. While the beans simmer, slice and segment the orange. Once the dish is assembled and roasting, finish up the salads. Serve while the pie is piping hot.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Sweet Potato & Bean Shepherd's Pie
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Sweet Potato & Bean Shepherd's Pie

Thick & rich chili is topped with creamy, lime spiked sweet potatoes and baked into a casserole. Your favorite chili-style bean will do, black, red, pinto or your favorite combo. Add more or less spices to the bean mixture until it tastes just the way you prefer your chili. The leftovers are perfect eaten solo or stuffed into tortillas seared in a skillet quesadilla style.

Photo of Orange & Roasted Chile Salad
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Orange & Roasted Chile Salad

Who would have thought roasted chiles and oranges were such good friends. The spice of the peppers plays so nicely with the orange to liven up a crispy lettuce. Roasted chiles can sometimes be found frozen or in cans. Look for whole hatch chiles that you can slice yourself.