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Lilly’s Table


Meal Detail



Sun-Dried Tomato Chicken Cobb Salad

from the Week of January 9, 2011

  • Hard
  • Medium
  • Easy


25 mins

25 mins

1. Prepare the Polenta Croutons first.
2. Next sear the bacon. Pound and prepare the chicken as the bacon sears.
3. Remove the bacon and any excess grease. Sear the chicken in the bacon if desired.
4. Make the salad ingredients while the croutons and chicken cook.
5. Arrange the salad together with the dressing at the last minute.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Polenta Croutons
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Polenta Croutons

These are slightly addictive and a cinch to make, they just take their time in the oven. Use a tube of polenta or leftover polenta that you have chilled. Omit the parmesan cheese or use nutritional yeast if you want these to be dairy free.

Photo of Seared Chicken
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Seared Chicken

Just prior to searing the chicken it is dipped in a little flour. Use brown-rice, whole wheat or even white flour to give it a lovely, nearly crispy crust.

Photo of Sun-Dried Tomato Cobb Salad
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Sun-Dried Tomato Cobb Salad

When it is too early for the juicy tomato season instead of using a salmon-pink tomato, try this Sun-Dried Tomato dressing which adds an intense, rustic tomato flavor. Make this vegetarian by omitting the bacon.