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Lilly’s Table


Meal Detail



Chipotle Wings with Blue Cheese Side Salad

from the Week of January 30, 2011

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  • Easy


45 mins

45 mins

Start with marinating the wings. If making the croutons from scratch, whip them up next. While they cook, prepare the salad ingredients. When the croutons are done, increase the oven temp and cook the wings. Toss the salad. When the chicken is done, fold the hot wings in the remaining marinade and serve alongside the cooling salad.

Gluten-free? Skip the croutons or make our Polenta Croutons instead.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Chipotle Buffalo Wings
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Chipotle Buffalo Wings

Slightly smokey, slightly sweet. The best part is that unlike using some of the classic hot sauces, such as Franks, you know exactly what ingredients goes into making these wings. This recipe makes merely 2-3 servings, so double until you have enough for the crowd you may be serving.

Photo of Homemade Garlic Croutons
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Homemade Garlic Croutons

Do you have bread that is a tad too old to enjoy anymore? Just slice it into chunks, toss with a bit of olive oil and toast until dry. They store great in your fridge for a couple of weeks or in the freezer for longer. Top them on salads or soups.

Photo of Blue Cheese Side Salad
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Blue Cheese Side Salad

Instead of enjoying stalks of celery alongside your wings, why not make it into a tasty salad. This will be cooling alongside any wings or spicy main dishes. Take this recipe a step further by toasting the croutons yourself.