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Chips & Football Dips

from the Week of January 30, 2011

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1 hour

1 hour

A simple guacamole, a squash dip made nacho cheese style and chips homemade, too. A party will be created with just these three items. The Nacho Dip needs the most time, but this and the chips can be made ahead. The guac is best mashed at the last minute, but if you have to do it in advance simply drizzle the top with a bit of lime juice to keep it from browning.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Squash Nacho Cheese Dip
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Squash Nacho Cheese Dip

Try this squash based dip instead of that chili dotted, processed cheese stuff so often used on nachos. The orange squash gives it color & a smooth texture, not to mention beta carotene and other great nutrients. Use a strong, sharp cheddar which will add a ton of flavor without needing to add a lot of cheese. If possible, use frozen hatch chili, but a can is an okay substitution when they are out of season.

Photo of Homemade Tortilla Chips
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Homemade Tortilla Chips

Making chips from scratch may sound tedious, but the health & flavor benefits are great. This is a simple recipe, but do them up a bit further with various seasonings of your choice: cumin, smoky paprika, even a pinch of sugar or cinnamon.

Photo of Simply Guacamole
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Simply Guacamole

With only a few ingredients this easy guacamole highlights the flavors of the avocados. This is a great base and if you like additional spice or flavor, start with this and add to your heart’s content. When storing, squeeze a bit of the lime on top and the color will retain better.