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Orange Prawns with Rainbow Saute

from the Week of January 30, 2011

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45 mins

45 mins

In the spirit of the upcoming Chinese New Year- enjoy this ‘happy’ dish of prawns and rainbow vegetables. Before you do any prep work, get your rice cooking- since brown rice takes about 45 minutes. Next, prepare each ingredient, including peeling the shrimp, chopping the vegetables and have everything on stand-by. When the rice is just finishing up, start to saute the vegetables. When the roots are almost cooked through, start the shrimp in a separate pan. As the shrimp finish up, toss the greens into the vegetables and serve.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Brown Rice
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  • Hard
Brown Rice

There are several methods for preparing rice. Brown rice especially is a bit more time consuming as it still contains the nutrient packed outer grain. This recipe contains three different methods for preparing brown rice. Try them out and stick with the one that produces the rice just the way you like it.

These methods can work for long, short, medium or other types of brown rice.

Photo of Orange-Ginger Prawns
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Orange-Ginger Prawns

A glaze like coating surrounds these shrimp with an essence of orange & ginger. The zest of the orange is the star ingredient. If you are without a handy-dandy microplane or grater, you can peel the orange thinly avoiding the white pith and then finely chop it. When purchasing shrimp, seek it out from the US or Canada. Lately, imported shrimp is regularly coming from unsustainable farms that use high levels of antibiotics and other containments worth avoiding.

Photo of Rainbow Saute
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  • Hard
Rainbow Saute

Rainbow chard is the leader of this dish bringing together a few roots and a touch of garlic. Use any roots you can find including, beets, radishes, daikon, or sweet potatoes. Slice them thin, and sauté up with any finds in your winter garden. If this feels like too much slicing, you can always grate the carrot and root vegetables instead.