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Meal Detail



Poached Salmon with Fennel Blood Orange Salad & a Baked Potato

from the Week of March 6, 2011

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45 mins

45 mins

Toss the potatoes in the oven. Thinly slice the fennel and start to marinate it in the dressing. Segment the oranges and finish up the salad. After the salad is done, toss the cauliflower in the oven. When the potato is almost soft and the cauliflower is golden, start to poach the salmon.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Baked Potato
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Baked Potato

The potato seems to be a controversial vegetable. Some consider it nutritious and balanced and on the other extreme, it is viewed as high in the simple carbohydrates that everyone should run and hide from. But, then there is the easy baked potato wrapped in a nutrient packed skin and free of frying oil, creamy sauces, or other additives. Of course, most of us get in trouble with the toppings, right? We hope to inspire new seasonal decorations for your Baked Potato throughout the year. And now, here is the simple way to prepare them.

Photo of Lemon-Ginger Cauliflower
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Lemon-Ginger Cauliflower

Roasted with zests of lemon & ginger, this flavor-packed cauliflower will delight as a side dish next to seafood, a big salad or anything Asian. A microplane will make your life so much easier for this dish, but very finely mincing the lemon peel and fresh ginger will work instead.

Photo of Fennel & Blood Orange Salad
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Fennel & Blood Orange Salad

A Sicilian favorite tosses together these two ingredients for a simple, elegant salad. But, if you insist on lettuce, go for it. Just plop these sweet, floral, licorice-y flavors on top. You may even consider something bitter as the leafy green, such as arugula to balance the sweetness.

Photo of Poached Salmon
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Poached Salmon

A quick white wine poached salmon adds a touch of sweetness to a flavorful fillet. Reducing the sauce for a few minutes after poaching intensifies all of it. Be sure to use a white wine that you would also enjoy a sip of drinking.