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Grilled Pesto & Sun-Dried Tomato Sandwiches

from the Week of March 27, 2011

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  • Easy


10 mins

10 mins

Blend up the pesto. Assemble the sandwich. While it grills up, toss together the salad and serve altogether.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Pesto
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard

Homemade pesto is an amazing, yet simple luxury. Have a mortar & pestle? Roll up those sleeves and pound some love into this garlic-basil-olive oil sauciness. Have a food processor? Pulse, pulse and you are done. We use lemon to brighten the flavor and retain color. Make this vegan by substituting more nuts for the cheese. If you can’t find or afford pricy pine nuts, I love my pesto with walnuts, pistachios, almonds or even pecans.

Photo of Grilled Herb & Sun-Dried Tomato Sandwich
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Grilled Herb & Sun-Dried Tomato Sandwich

Italian flavors are squished into this grilled, almost-a-panini sandwich. If you have a panini maker, dust it off for this sandwich. Otherwise, follow our directions for a simple grilled cheese. Use a creamy herb spread or pesto.

Photo of Arugula Parmesan Salad
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Arugula Parmesan Salad

The bitter bite of arugula is paired with strips of parmesan and a drizzle of sweet vinegar. Use a thick, aged balsamic or sweeten up a thinner balsamic with a bit of honey, maple syrup or agave nectar.