Meals this Week
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- Breakfast
The Food
Most of the time growing up, I took my own lunch to school. Since the school year began while our garden was still in full force I have happy memories of my back-to-school lunches. Along with a sandwich, there were baggies of pear or cherry tomatoes, a cucumber or bell pepper cut in half or if I was lucky several Italian prune plums.
For much of the country, school has already begun or is days away from starting. I am often asked about recipes for kids. We all have our pickiness and kids seem to stump even the most well intentioned parents. Now that I have a daughter I find myself paying more attention to the research and suggestions for having a ‘good eater’. I recently put together a list of strategies to avoid picky eating battles.
I love lunches where I can assemble every bite, just the way I like. Bake these Carrot Cheddar Coins to top with cheese or meat cut into shapes, Nutty Spreads or whip up this Hummus to be spread on. Cut up veggies are made more fun with a small dish of homemade Yogurt-Ranch. If you have a Tuna lover, toss the fish with cabbage for a bit more veggies and a crunch.
When it comes to Back-to-School, eating well at home will balance out any challenges your kids may face at their cafeteria. Sides of veggies such as the Beet Crisps, Kale Chips Oven Roasted Marinara Coleslaw are fun offerings, but also try incorporating vegetables into main dishes such as in the Cheesy Veggie Pasta, Parmesan Grilled Eggplant and Plum Cabbage Wraps. The wraps are fun to assemble at the table making for a more interactive dinner.
If you have Crispy Chicken fans, at the very least try making them at home. You can even freeze a big batch raw and then pop them in the oven when ready. Try the Raspberry Mustard Sauce for new dipping fun or the Raspberry Salad.
For more another delightful dipping sauce, whip up the Avocado Cream, and then pan fry up these Coconut Fried Shrimp. My client’s kids were addicted to these along with the savory-sweet Sweet Potato & Banana Black Beans.
Start your morning with a bit of fun and know that your kids are belly-full of goodness. The Egg in a Hole is basically a playful twist on toast & eggs. This Apple Granola simply uses pureed fruit to sweeten it up. It is perfect with yogurt or milk and fruit. But, the sugarless granola is even better made into these little Breakfast Granola Stone-Fruit Bakes. Assemble these with the ripest fruit you can find the night before and toss in the oven to bake for an easy morning.
Cook seasonally. Eat consciously.
Live well,