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Lilly’s Table


Meal Detail



Fennel Scalloped Potatoes with Creamy Blue Pear Salad

from the Week of November 13, 2011

  • Hard
  • Medium
  • Easy


1 hour

1 hour

The potatoes will take the longest as they roast in the oven for about 45 minutes. Start with these and as soon as they are in the oven slice the vegetables for the salad and whip up the dressing.

Recipes for this Meal

Photo of Fennel Scalloped Potatoes
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Fennel Scalloped Potatoes

A simple scalloped potato dish is more inspired with a topping of buttery fennel bulb slices. Make this even more magical with a pinch of fennel powder or ground fennel seed. If you have fronds and stems on the fennel, just slice up whatever appears edible and sauté along. A little pinch of the fronds make a nice garnish, too.

Photo of Creamy Blue Pear Salad
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Hard
Creamy Blue Pear Salad

A simple creamy yogurt + blue cheese dressing is drizzled on crisp pears, nuts & dried fruit all over spinach or your favorite greens making for a perfect holiday side dish or a celebratory week day meal.