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© Photo of Roasted Butternut Squash & Greens
  • Hard
  • Medium
  • Easy


45 mins

45 mins

Icon Heart Healthy




Nutrition Info

  • 7
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  • 1


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  • 7
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Recipe Detail


Roasted Butternut Squash & Greens

from Salmon in Paper with Roasted Vegetables, the Week of October 30, 2011.
View the previous recipe for this meal.

Butternut squash is slowly roasted while you caramelize onions and sauté up kale, spinach or whatever greens you have available. Toss the mess together as a topping for a pasta, creamy polenta or even as a side to a slow-melt-in-your-mouth-roasted meat. If you are feeling adventurous, roast up the squash seeds from the butternut squash and use as a topping.


  • 1 lb butternut squash
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 1 teaspoon salt, divided (more or less depending on your taste)
  • 1 onion, cut top to end in strips
  • 1 bunch kale, washed & dried, or spinach or other winter green
  • ¼ cup pumpkin seeds, roasted

Serving Size: 4 People


Preparation Instructions

Preheat the oven to 375.

Peel the butternut squash with a vegetable peeler, cut in half and remove the seeds. Cut into cubes about 1 cubic inch more or less. Toss the squash cubes on a baking sheet or casserole pan with a generous splash of the olive oil (about a third of it) and a pinch of salt. Roast for 25-35 minutes until golden on the edges and soft to the bite, not to mention sweet and delicious.

Meanwhile, place a large skillet over medium heat. Add a splash of the olive oil and the onions. Toss and stir periodically until they are golden and tender. Add a splash of water if they start to stick to the pan.

Remove the stems from the greens. For kale you may want to cut along the inner stem since it tends to be a bit tough. Stack the leaves up and thinly slice into shreds. Roughly chop the shreds if they are too long.

Add the greens to the onions, sauté until wilted. Try it and if the texture is a bit tough continue to sauté it until it is just barely tender.

Fold the butternut squash into the wilted greens and onions. Finish the dish with the pumpkin seeds and a final sprinkle of salt and pepper.

This dish can even be made ahead and warmed by spreading on a baking sheet and heated for about 5-10 minutes at 375.