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The Food

Week of March 19, 2017

Sitting outside, my children playing nearby, makes it seem like spring has arrived! What a lovely way to write about the upcoming Spring Equinox. Living in Colorado I know this is a mostly inappropriate declaration as March and April are our snowiest months normally (any day now snow could strike!). But today, for now: it is spring!

To celebrate, bake up this Spring Verde Lasagna with Carrot Dressed Arugula. For lunch, spring’s first greens come together with the Warm Dandelion Sweet Potato Salad and Nutty Quinoa.

Whispers of winter are still around and this End of Winter Salad Bar with Blood Orange Vinaigrette and Quinoa is a playful way to stand in between the lines of this in-between stage. Use up the last bits of winter squash with the Charred Ginger Squash Soup with Socca seared up on the side.

For a bowl of Indian inspired comfort, the Chicken Saag and Rice plays up with the new spring greens or greens from the freezer.

Citrus and avocados, while shipped to many of us, are still abundant in the sunny states. The Grapefruit Glazed Salmon with Avocado Cream or the Smoky Garbanzo Avocado Salad will make dinners or lunches creamy and bright. Meanwhile, your mornings will also be enlightened with the pair with the Cardamom Ginger Grapefruit with Almond Pancakes and Pecan Butter as well as the Tortilla Egg Wrap with Avocado Cream.

Happy Spring days friend!

Cook seasonally. Eat consciously. Live well,

Chef Lilly


Chicken Saag + Rice

Photo of Brown Rice
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Brown Rice

Photo of Saag
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Photo of Seared Chicken
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Seared Chicken


End of Winter Salad Bar with Blood Orange Vinaigrette & Quinoa

Photo of Quinoa
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Photo of Hard Boiled Eggs
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Hard Boiled Eggs

Photo of End of Winter Salad Bar
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End of Winter Salad Bar

Photo of Blood Orange Vinaigrette
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Blood Orange Vinaigrette


Grapefruit Salmon with Avocado Cream

Photo of Lemon Dressed Spinach Salad
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Lemon Dressed Spinach Salad

Photo of Grapefruit Glazed Salmon
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Grapefruit Glazed Salmon

Photo of Avocado Cream
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Avocado Cream

Photo of French bread
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French bread


Tortilla Egg Wrap with Avocado Cream

Photo of Avocado Cream
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Avocado Cream

Photo of Tortilla Egg Wrap
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Tortilla Egg Wrap

Tags: Dairy Free


Almond Pancakes with Pecan Butter & Spiced Grapefruit

Photo of Pecan Butter
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Pecan Butter

Photo of Almond Pancakes
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Almond Pancakes

Photo of Cardamom Ginger Grapefruit
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Cardamom Ginger Grapefruit